Associate - Business
Erica Jarman, Director
Sapori & Saperi offers artisan food courses and tours in Italy, including a highly-regarded Italian Artisan Cheesemaking course.
Tell us a little about you or your business
Since 2006 I have been organising courses and tours to artisan food producers in Italy. I now offer two cheese courses: one in Tuscany covering rennet- and acid- coagulated cheeses and ricotta made with goat, sheep and cow milk, and the other in Campania teaching mozzarella made with buffalo and cow milk. During the cheese courses participants work with cheesemakers who are carrying on an unbroken tradition of cheesemaking. They openly share their wealth of knowledge and experience. For those dairy farmers who have more milk than they can make into cheese, I also offer a professional gelato course.
How did you get started in the industry?
I carried out three projects for Neal's Yard Dairy in London and got hooked on cheese.
What is your favourite Australian cheese?
Unfortunately I've never been to Australia and I don't know its cheeses (yet).
What opportunities do you see for the future of the Australian specialty/artisan cheese industry?
My hope is that farmhouse cheeses will become better and better and will attract more of the market share away from industrial cheese.
What does being part of ASCA mean to you?
Being part of ASCA brings me closer to small cheese makers and allows me better to understand their goals and problems. This in turn helps me offer a course that will assist them to overcome obstacles and achieve their aims.