Associate - Business
Cheesemonger and proprietor at Cheese etc.
I run a small but well-stocked cheese shop in Bowral, NSW. I aim to provide a selection of the finest cheese from around the world, with a focus wherever possible on great local and other Australian products. I also have a good range of crackers & crispbreads, chutneys, relishes, pickles, charcuterie and the like.
How did you get started in the industry?
I've always loved cheese but it was really during my twenties that I learned about it properly. Like many aspiring musicians, I made my living in retail and hospitality and was fortunate to work at some nice places with good people that taught me a great deal. Also, a four year stint in France and Sweden gave me access to amazing cheeses that simply weren't (aren't?) available here.
What is your favourite Australian cheese?
It’s very difficult to choose a favourite. There is an impressive range of products being made across all styles of cheese and dairy in Australia now. It sounds like avoiding the question, but honestly my favourites change all the time, season to season, year to year.
What opportunities do you see for the future of the Australian specialty/artisan cheese industry?
Australia has every opportunity to develop a cheesemaking industry that can take on the best in the world. Much like Aussie winemakers a few decades back, our artisan cheesemakers are really starting to find their feet. That's not to say there aren't already some fantastic cheeses being made here - there really are - but with the variety of climates, the abundance of amazing farmland, the huge capacity for learning from our forebears and the ever-increasing passion for real, good food across the country, all the elements are there to develop a truly international standard of excellence.
What does being part of ASCA mean to you?
I love sharing a club (of sorts) with incredible cheesemakers, farmers, retailers, restaurateurs, writers, judges... the list goes on. Bringing all these people together can only be good for the Australian artisan and specialty cheese industry.